Leaders in Cementation in Colombia
12 years of experience in the sector
“Let us know about your need for competent zonal insulation.
Our comprehensive solution proposal: experienced personnel in the design of the service, technological tools such as the CEMPRO+ Cementation software; we have a high technology laboratory complying with API standards; we have operating standards and procedures that are the guide of our operating personnel for the preparation and execution of all types of cementation; state-of-the-art equipment, which has a preventive maintenance program that increases our degree of reliability in the execution of our operations”.

Soundproof motor and pump system
2 QSM11 Cummins engines, 375 HP
2 triplex pumps, 4.5” piston
CC-2 Automatic Mixing System
1 Mixing Tub – 6 BBL
2 Displacement tanks – 20 BBL
Merlyn M-200 operator control panel
Green Technologies
Concerned about minimizing the impact on communities during our operations, soundproof equipment has been purchased to reduce noise generation.

Cementing Services
We have trained personnel to
the development of operations
- Superficial Casings
- Intermediate Casing
- Production Casing
- liners
- Cementation by Stages
- P&A
- Injection tests
- Squeeze Jobs
- Casing leak repair
- Plugs
- Control
- Sidetracks
- pumping
- Acid Fluids
- Organic Fluids
- Flammable Fluids